Skateboarding - really good skating resource

Skateboarding is definately one of my favourite hobbies, although I should hasten to add I am really really bad at it. My moving Ollies (Jumping with the board for those who know not) are just about sufficient to clear most curbs and I've been working on boardslides and 50-50's a bit recently. Kickflips inevitably flip but are landed one footed. Hey I'll get there and when I do you should she the grin on my face :o)
There is however something totally unrivalled about being on a deck and just pushing around maybe doing a little pop onto a curb or something. It's really liberating. It's a shame so many people want to get sponsored rather than just enjoying it just for what it is. With the recent increase in popularity you would have expected the sport to be more widely accepted but it doesn't appear to have had that effect. Me and matt still get told not to skate on train stations and kicked out now and then. Ah well.
My Favourite skater is gonna have to be Rodney Mullen. The guy has done so much for skating and is just amazing to watch. When he starts freestyling it's like the board just flys around his feet. It's incredible. Sometimes when watching his street stuff you think, "that landing looked a bit sketchy" then you realise it's only like that cause he's flipped into a grind and flipped out of it. Mental.
As far as I can see I'm something of a discount skater. I've love to be able to afford all the fancy clothes but I only got my first ever skate t-shirt for this birthday. To that end I've decieded that I am terminally broke and that you should give me some money.

can't blame me for trying can you

My current setup:
Deck: Cracked Blank with a nice new Enjoi Marc Johnson number waiting in the wings when my foot goes through the blank
Trucks: Indy stage VII one with a replaced kingpin
Hardware: shorty's silverado bolts and quickies bearings
Wheels: Some discount things

if I find any exciting skate related stuff it'll go up on this page but until then check out the link at the top...

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