Personal Stuff

Right I guess I should start off with some kind of review of who I am and what things I'm interested in or something. Hmmm. Here goes nothing.

Name: Tom (Thomas) Charles Snowdon
D.O.B.: 8/8/82 (That makes me 19 at the mo)
Occupation: Student and Part time Child Daycare Worker (No really, YMCA day camps in Chalfont Heights, it rocks.)
Hobbies: Skating, Music, Computers, Eating, Drinking, Doing Stupid things (BMX jousting anyone?), Playing Guitar, Various nefarious deeds.
Height and Weight: Not tall enough and Too heavy. (6ft 200lbs)
Nicknames: Oi you, Bastard, Thelonious, Tom.

hmmm what else to say... dunno. I have a car, he is called Rodney, because all cars need to have a silly name. I'm at Uni in newcastle at Northumbria Uni, Doing okay so far.
Currently Reading a book about serial killers which someone got me for my Birthday... bit scary stuff really.
Summer 2001 was one of the best summers ever, so thanks to everyone who made it cool, if you don't know who you are then you probably didn't make it cool.
I'm into loads of music but I tend to lean towards heavier stuff and punk. More punk really. But recently I've been in strange moods so listening to harvey danger, barenaked ladies and dave matthews band. Oh and Filter. And the spawn soundtrack.
Ahhh enough of my psychotic rants. If I ever find the little picture of me from my old website I'll put it back up here, or if I find a new one. Whatever. I'm leaving.

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